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KB Tennis League


How to get tennis coaching in Kennington and Brockwell Parks, Lambeth 

This information comes from the coach, Derek Isaac. It has nothing to do with the league as such. Please direct all enquries to Derek (mobile 07805 164 836, email derekisaac946@btinternet.com).
Coaching is offered in groups (children, juniors and adults) for a period of four weeks. In addition, there is the option of private coaching for £25 per hour, or £30 per hour for two people. This includes the cost of the court.

Courses run on Saturdays and Sundays for a period of four weeks.
Dates as follows:
20th September -12th October
25th October-16th November
29th November-20th December

Saturday classes are mini tennis 12pm-12.45 cost £24  for 4 sessions
Junior Tennis 1pm-2pm £24 for 4 sessions
Adult Beginners 2pm -3pm £36 for 4 sessions
Adult Improvers 3pm-4pm £36 for 4 sessions
Sunday classes
Adult Beginners 11am -12pm £36 for 4 sessions
Adult Improvers  12pm-1pm   £36 for 4 sessions
1pm-4pm junior drop in session £2  for the session

Courses are offered Monday-Wednesday over a four week period as follows:
15th September-10th October
20th October -14th November
Mini tennis  4pm-4.45pm cost £12 for 4 sessions
Junior tennis 5pm-6pm cost £12 for 4 sessions
Adult beginners 6pm-7pm cost £36 for 4 sessions
Adult Improvers 7pm-8pm cost £36 for 4 sessions

Kennington and Brockwell Parks Tennis League
In association with Lambeth Sports and Recreation